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The Nightcruiser Party Bus Dunsborough Booking Crew have established many affiliates and partner relationships.

We have deals and information on our venues, establishments and businesses.

We boast the largest venue information and deals list, collated over many years.

We believe it is important to provide a personalised information service, with deals that are past onto you as this will assist you with planning your tour with us for a workable schedule..

In many instances, we also book the venues on your behalf as a complimentary added service by the Nightcruiser booking crew.


The word goes like… “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories, you tell.” …and so do we…

At J.R.Technologies, ever since our inception in 2011, we have taken the World Wide Web as the most coveted platform to let the world know about the story that our clients have to say. It is our responsibility to convert it to the “inescapable bestseller” that will be loved and appreciated by your audience from all over the world.

Secuctive sessions strippers for Hens and Bucks Party tours, Nightcruiser party tours - Bunbury,WA

The Nightcruiser Party Bus Dunsborough now have provided the option to add an adult entertainment package [strippers]

This is ideal for a Hens Party, Bucks Party, All Girls or Guys Birthday or Outing Party Tour [day, night or wine/brewery tour] with Nightcruiser.

We can recommend you to the best strippers, waiters and waitresses in the South West and around Perth.

Seductive Sessions can provide the most reliable and most entertaining men and women to add some real excitement and a great surprise to your tour.

They have local people available from Mandurah, Harvey, BunburyBusseltonDunsborough, Margaret RiverCollie etc. as well as around Perth with no extra charge for travel.

They will come and jump on board and do a show that will never be forgotten.

You get to choose and need to book direct and we tell you where we can rendezvous. The entertainer plug in their music show into our sound system.   Call John on 0435 577 641 and mention Nightcruiser Party Bus Tours, Dunsborough, WA