Here you’ll find the biggest range of Wedding related party tours here!
Just call 0427 55 33 40 or provide an online enquiry and your party is sorted!!
Hens Party Hens Party Games Bucks Party Hucks Party Wedding Guest Transport
Wine Tour Brewery Tour
Our Hens Nights in Darwin are famous with many added options.
We have over 20 years experience behind us!
The Nightcruiser Booking Crew will assist you instantly at your 1 Stop Shop for Hens Nights in Wodonga.
After speaking with us you are sorted, no more worries and we follow up with emails.
To assist all our Hens Night and Arvo Wine Tour organisers, the Nightcruiser Crew have collected some Hens Party Games for you.
Scroll down and we hope the suggested games will assist you for a great Nightcruiser Hens Party!
Before starting the dares it is important to come up with a forfeit, this is a suitable punishment if somebody doesn’t do their dare correctly. Something like “walking like a chicken” may have been a suitable forfeit when you were 12, however, now you should think of something much better!
Example dares include getting to shout “I’ve got no knickers on”, “Neck 2 vodkas”, “Kiss the tallest man in the room”, “Go and find a ginger man and find out if he’s ginger all over”, “Get a pair of man’s trousers”,
“Pinch a mans bum”. As you can see there are loads of different dares that are suitable for hen nights.
Make a list of “dares” for the bride to either do or collect throughout the day or night – the more daring and ridiculous, the better!
Now a twist of fate that will shock everyone!!
If you are out with the Nightcruiser Party Tour on a Hens Wine Arvo you can have pencils and paper on board and ask everybody to write down what dares they think the Bride should be doing all day or throughout the night!
Then put them in a Box and get each member to draw out a dare but award that dare to them as a twist of fate!!
Write the words “Lick me” or ” Suck me” or “Last Chance lick” or any other slogan on the front of the T-shirt. Then wet the candies and place them randomly all over the T-shirt. Let it dry overnight. The idea is to have the bride to be or any Hens to wear this out during the Nightcruiser Hens Party Night. Guys pay one dollar for a chance to suck the candy off the shirts.
Beware, do not try to sew these candies on as others may suggest. Sewing them onto the shirt makes it difficult for the guys to bite them off. He may hurt himself or the Hen in the process. For an extra treat you might like to place big red hot candies in two very strategic locations. Then charged double for them. The guys always love this game and so will the Hen!
Materials needed: White T-shirts, Fabric pens, Life-Saver candies
I think everyone has an old prom or bridesmaid dress just hanging around. The question is. Does it still fit? As mentioned, they will not let you into the Casino Gaming Room as that would cause too much distraction but you would be welcome at Paddy Hannans.
Materials needed: old wedding dresses, old prom dresses or veils
This game seems to be the most popular hen’s party game ever.
At the beginning of the night have the guests write down on a piece of paper an item or task that they would like to have the bride to complete by the end of the evening.
Hand her these tasks and see how many she can get done.
Some of these you may have to help her with or have each guest draw out one out of a hat!
Materials needed: courage, willingness to go over the top, guts, once in a lifetime experience.
– Obtain a pair of men’s undies. One pair of Y-fronts and one pair of boxers. Great fun searching!
– Have her obtain a coloured condom. (You’ll surprise guys when asking what coloured condoms they carry)
– Kiss a bald man’s bald spot and leave lipstick marks.
– Get three business cards. Put on your charm when you give a reason!
– Try to find guys with the weirdest thing in their pocket…you’ll be surprised and so will they be!
– Have a guy put a dollar somewhere “interesting” on the bride
– Find a guy with a concealed tattoo and have the bride find it and kiss it
– Find someone to buy her a blow-job shot with extra whipped cream
– Order a drink at a Bar from cute male Bartender and ask for a “Quick Fuck” (drink name)
– Get a guy to sign his name on the inside right thigh
– Collect either red or white coloured underwear from a guy
– Kiss an unknown male of your choice and surprise him
– Sexy dance in front of gorgeous Guy that the group pre-choose.
– After requested, tell three things to the group on the bus, what will change after you are married
This is a simple task, at a risk of getting future husband jealous.
You get a nice tight fitting white T-Shirt and get as many signatures or comments as possible from men throughout your Hens outing.
By the end of the day or night, you must have it totally covered with signatures or comments, which will act as a momentum for the rest of your life.
You must also heed requests if asked to take the T-Shirt off if they wish to draw pictures etc.! Get the girls to frame it for you….
This is quite a fun game, and also it’s easy to set up. All you need are two bananas, two pairs of handcuffs or belt, and two volunteers.
Sit your volunteers on chairs, and put a banana in-between each of their legs, handcuff their hands behind the chair. The object of the game is to peel and eat the banana (without hands). The first one to finish is the winner.
This simple exciting game is ideal for a daytime Hens Party and can be played on the Nightcruiser as we travel.
Give each guest a notepad-size paper and pen. Have questions ready to ask such as, how old is the bride,
her mother’s name, what college/university/high school did she attend, her favourite soft drink, the names
of her brothers/sisters, her wedding date, the colours of her wedding, her finance parents names, what size
shoe, her favourite colour, favourite TV show/soap, etc. and don’t forget the personal things: Past affairs, turn ones and turn offs etc.
The guest that answers the most correct wins a prize, thou this is not really important as it is done for laughs, mainly.. All answers should be read out that have been collected and then hear the screams as guests onboard hear the revelations to the questions asked and compare guests answers.
“Moving Party People”™
The above game can also be played with the groom in mind! That sometimes makes it even more interesting as the bride even gets to learn things. But be gentle with her.
This simple exciting game is ideal for a daytime Hens Arvo and can be played on the Nightcruiser as we travel.
This is a great old game.
It can be played during travelling on the Nightcruiser in between the venues or on the way.
The idea is that you wrap up a huge ball like parcel which is passed around in time to the music.
When the music stops, the person holding the parcel will unwrap it until she finds a note or a novelty item (include xxx items) and carries out the request or gets to get the novelty item.
Let your mind run wild on this one when getting things together, as it will be just as much fun thinking up the items and dares for the parcel as to pass it around and see it unravel! Request the Nightcruiser Captain to play you the stop start music.
Items used previously:
– Condom (Non-lube) Blow up or wear over your head.
– You have won a box of sexy chocolates.
– You must suck this penis lolly until all gone.
– You must get the group to guess the following words with your action: enjoying sex!
– When you receive this note you must NOT go to the toilet at the next stop, if you are caught, you must drink a pint of ………before leaving etc.
The rules are simple:
As we believe that the bride’s name should not be revealed to the public during her task of dares, therefore this fun simple game was derived.
Whoever calls the Bride to be by her first or last name will need to wear the cap until someone else calls her by first or last name.
It makes a fun picture throughout the night or day.
Material needed: One silly hideous old shower cap!
This may sound like a boring game, but actually, it’s really good fun.
If you’re night or day starts off a quieter hens outing then this one may be just your cup of tea.
You give everyone a clothes peg, which they clip to their trousers. Then you continue the evening as normal. If you ever see anybody crossing their legs, then you are allowed to take your peg off and put it onto their trousers or dress.
The winners are the ones that don’t have any pegs!
This is a variation of truth or dare, you need to ask yes or no questions. Start with fairly simple ones like “Is your name Jane?” If she answers yes then she must move to a seat to her right, if the seat next to her isn’t free then the one next to that one (and so on).
If the answer is no then they don’t have to move anywhere. Make sure that they realize they must tell the truth!
You could make them swear an oath.
The first person to make it back to their own seat is the winner.
Can be heaps of fun if played quickly while travelling on a Nightcruiser
You can tell your guests not to put tags on their presents, and they should wrap it in a paper that means something to them.
They are allowed one chance to give you a clue as to what their paper is, without actually mentioning it.
This is quite a simple game, and best of all it’s quite simple to set up. You need, a tennis ball, an old pair of tights, and a water bottle half filled with water.
Put the tennis ball inside the tights so that it’s right down in the toe. Now you have to tie the tights so that it’s around their hips and it is hanging behind them.
Put the water bottle in the middle of the room (with the cap on) and get them to try and knock the bottle over. Give them 4 minutes to try, if they can’t do it then get another guest to try.
In order for this to work properly, you have to swing your hips, which looks really funny and it’s really difficult!
In the Contract/Oath below, you must adhere to all guidelines and procedures in a strict fashion. When the document refers to the Hen, she will be signified as “Queen B” and the girls consisting of the Hen Night party as “Divas.”
Please take the following document as serious (seriously funny) as possible since it will provide hours of fun and memories.
I __________________________ solemnly swear that on the Night/Arvo of ______________________, 2008 in celebration of ___________________________’s Nightcruiser Hen Night/Arvo party, I will abide by the following rules and regulations:
There will be, in no way, pictures with boys, men, or any animals while the Nightcruiser Hen Night/Arvo party is in progress. Failure to follow this rule will automatically make you lose your Diva status for the weekend.
You will consume alcoholic beverages and promote drunkenly misconduct in the safest and most appropriate fashion. If you have a note from a doctor, you are excused from drinking but you must still promote animalistic behaviour.
You must never leave a single Diva or the Queen Bee unattended, due to boys-men who are termed as Vultures, Sharks, Pigs, Tools for Procreation…etc.
A Diva who has too much alcohol or has poor taste and is speaking with sleazy unattractive boys/men for more than one minute must be escorted back to the Diva Layer for protection and to save herself from embarrassment (which would have possibly occurred the following morning).
Embarrassing the Queen B, at least once per hour is mandatory. Embarrassment can only take the form of attracting attention toward the Queen B, and includes but is not limited to, finding Boys or Men (prey) to help in satisfying the “Hens checklist” or Suck 4 Buck T-Shirt, waving adult party favour items in front of the Queen B, dressing the Queen B up in ridiculous outfits that Aunt Edna wouldn’t even wear, and keeping the Queen B up as late as possible!
Loud, obnoxious outbursts are welcome during the Hens festivities with at least one type of alcohol shot purchased by the Divas for Queen B consumption.
Dancing is required by you and it is important to make sure all Divas and Queen B are participating.
In case of the emergence of a Diva needing to pray to the porcelain goddess or visit Mr. Tidy Bowl Man, it is essential that you make sure one Diva goes with the other Diva In Need (DIN).
It is your responsibility to commute to a more exciting atmosphere when Queen B and/or Diva energy is dwindling. You must interact with other Divas to form a plan in moving to a more exciting environment.
You will not, at any time, think of work-related matters. If work does consume your mind, you will forfeit Diva status and be seen as an outcast by the Divas.
Before signing the document below, I will say out loud, “What happens at __________________ ‘s Nightcruiser Hen Night party STAYS at ___________________’s Nightcruiser Hen Night/Arvo party!”
(Signature of Diva)
__________________________________________ Date__________________
(Signature of Diva In Charge)
__________________________________ Date__________________
Advice for the Queen B about marriage:
(Please return this form to the Queen B after signing)
Largest Range of Bucks Party options available!
We’ll turn an ordinary Bucks Party into a night or day to remember!
Call your Nightcruiser Booking Crew and they will point out the various Bucks Party options and will follow it up with an email and all the details.
Talk to the groom first and find out what he wants to do. Don’t forget to plan some surprises.
Give yourself time. Organising the party in one week will not work and cause you un-needed stress.
Go over the list of invitees with the groom.
Talk to all invitees before the party about costs, the agenda, etc. Nobody wants any surprises on the night of the bucks night.
Organise a bucks night or day with the help of the Nightcruiser Crew.
Registered Trade Mark – Worldwide reserved
Yes in this modern age where many old-fashioned traditions are dying and in many instances for the better, this new idea is catching on!
No more sweeps under the carpet or hush hush, wink wink say no more!
It was born out of the love, give and take and mutual respect of gender to have a raging all night party.
Just think of the possibilities.
Nightcruiser Party Tours will pick up the Hens first anytime. They would have been at it and enjoyed some drinks, fun and special waiters.
Then it is the blokes turn to be picked up and join the girls on board.
We will then cruise to a number of venues with free VIP entry and deals and special tasks dished out for the BRIDE and BUCK.
Every tour is organised differently as preferred by the Bridesmaid and Groomsman.
Often at a certain time of the night, the Hens are taken off to separate venues for Strips shows and the like. This also applies to the Fellas.
We provide transport for Wedding Party Guests that need to be moved from nominated pickup points to Ceremony or the Reception.
Late- night returns are also available.
Nightcruiser passengers are entertained with Music on the way.
With your smartphone you can connect to the Sound System via AUX or Blutooth and even strwam music while travelling.
No one expects wedding guests to risk drinking and driving so we can pick up from anywhere to the ceremony / church, ceremony to the reception centre with stop off at a hotel or bar, transport during the event and drop back to your door so you can relax the whole day.
A late night transfer service to Casino and taxi Ranks also provided.