The Nightcruiser Party Bus Tours Melbourne have been servicing the vast area of Melbourne for many years with the assistance of our valued Sub-Contractors.
Recognised as the Party Bus Capital of Australia, the Nightcruiser Booking Crew Melbourne will assist you on the spot equipped with the biggest Party Tours and Transport Catalogue in Australia.
The nightlife scene in and around Melbourne can seem a little daunting. With different bars, pubs and clubs in every corner of every suburb, where does one even start?
Luckily with a few solid years behind we love to assist and listed in our Venue Catalogue, you'll find many suggestions allowing you to select a workable schedule for your Party Tour with our assistance.
It covers the very best of Melbourne’s nightlife, no matter where you live or what your late-night style is.
This comes in handy when we assist you and your guests with Birthday Party Tours, Hens and Bucks Parties, Party Bus Tours, School Formals, Kids and Teen Fun Bus Tours, Wine and Brewery Tours, Concert, Festival and Races Transport and a whole range of exciting celebration tours listed in our large tours catalogue.
We cover a wide area of suburbs for our door to door pick up service and many are listed below and then take you to the many Nightlife areas that you may choose including:
Suburbs of the middle northern Melbourne councils. West to east: