There’s a busy and popular active nightlife in Canberra and we are happy to share it. There is a stylish mix of Pubs and Nightclubs, beer gardens, lounge bars across the city centre, grouped in funky precincts, and tucked away in suburban centres.
The Nightcruiser Party Bus Tours can take you there as part of your all-night celebration party tour and transport.
We also provide Nightclub Tours, Dinner Nightclub Tours with VIP entry, Party to Nightlife transport, Hens and Bucks Party, Wedding Guests Transport, popular with School Formals Package, Teen and Kids Fun Bus Party Tour, Wine Tours, Country Pubs tour, Concert Transport and can accommodate up to 60 passengers with decked out Party Buses.
For Shows, Events and Concert we can also provide Transport from Canberra to Sydney.
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List of the many suburbs we cover:
Aranda, Belconnen - Belconnen Town Centre, Bruce, Charnwood, Cook, Dunlop, Evatt, Florey, Flynn, Fraser, Giralang, Hawker,Higgins, Holt - Kippax Centre, Kaleen, Latham, Lawso, Macgregor,Macnamara, Macquarie - Jamison Centre, McKellar, Melba, Page, Scullin, Spence, Strathnairn ^, Weetangera
Acton, Ainslie, Barton, Braddon, Campbell, Capital Hill, City (also referred to as Civic) 1928, Deakin, Dickson, Downer, Forrest, Fyshwick, Griffith, Hackett, Kingston, Lyneham, Narrabundah